Getting the right amount of nutrition can be an obstacle as you get older. With the increase of age, the number of calories you require starts to reduce. Every calorie you take must contain the right nutrition in order to maintain good health. There are few nutrients that older people require to stay healthy.  

  1. Vitamin B12

This vitamin is vital in creating red blood cells and DNA in order to maintain a healthy nerve function. If you get enough vitamin B12,  you tend to overcome problems like not absorbing food well. In addition, older people must eat food that contains vitamin B12 from good sources like fish, meat, eggs and milk. Not to forget, you can even consult with your doctor whether it is okay to consume vitamin B12 supplements. 

  1. Calcium 

This nutrient plays a lot of role in the human body especially when it comes to maintaining strong bones. Unfortunately speaking, when we grow old, our body needs more calcium. Calcium is very essential since if you do not have enough, it would affect your bone badly. Also, it would lead to bone problems like fractures. With that, it is crucial to consume at least three servings of low-fat milk or even other dairy products. 

  1. Potassium

Beside calcium, older adults may consume potassium to keep their bones strong. This needed mineral is important for cells to function and it can lower the blood pressure and avoid kidney stones. By that, fruits and vegetables contain a lot of potassium such as bananas and potatoes. On the other hand, if you feel like taking potassium supplements, it is crucial to seek advice from your doctor as too little and too much consumption may lead to danger to your health. 

  1. Vitamin D

Vitamin D would help the body to absorb calcium and maintain bone density. In older people. Insufficient vitamin D may lead to a high risk of getting diseases. To avoid that, many foods contain vitamin D like cereals, milk and even yogurts. But then, it is seen that many doctors suggested that older people should consume vitamin D supplements as their skin becomes less efficient at producing the vitamin from sunlight as we get older. Before doing so, it is better to seek advice from any health experts. 

  1. Fiber 

This nutrient would assist in promoting a much better digestion by moving foods through the digestive tract. With foods that contain a lot of fiber like whole grains and vegetables, it actually protects older people from heart disease. There are a lot of ways to consume it, especially by mixing up the fruits and vegetables and turning it into a good salad. 

  1. Omega- 3 Fats

Now this is different. These fats that are found in fish have very strong benefits that include lowering the symptoms in rheumatoid arthritis and avoiding the rapid process of vision reduction in elderly people. This is why older people should eat a lot of fish at least two servings in a week. Fishes like salmon, sardine and tuna have high omega-3 fats in it. Not to forget, there is even a supplement but do consult with any health experts before taking it.

  1. Water

Water might not be seen as the right vitamin or mineral to talk about, but it is very important for elderly to take for better health. Water is important as it increases the fiber of your diets and obviously when it comes to physical activities, water is needed to replace those that are loosening from your body. 

In conclusion, elderly need to find a solution in order to maintain their health to an optimum. With the saying of  an apple a day, the doctor defines why elderly must change their mindset for betterment.