As we all know, the Covid-19 epidemic has had various effects on us not only in terms of health but also in terms of finance, education and so on. More worryingly, the data shows that most of the people infected with the virus are aged 60 years and above where 63% of the total Covid-19 patients in Malaysia are seniors. This is worrying because seniors are a high-risk group due to a slightly weakened immune system and complications of the disease they experience. The total number of Covid-19 patients admitted to the ICU and the mortality case rate also mostly consisted of seniors. That's why it's important that we get vaccinated! However, many also think that with vaccination, we will not be infected with this epidemic. That's wrong! This vaccine is similar to medicine, it helps to reduce the risk and impact if infected with COVID-19. The vaccine cannot prevent us from being infected with Covid-19 but is able to reduce the critical risk and prevent hospitalization. So, we still have to try to take care of ourselves by keeping a distance, following the set SOPs and maintaining personal hygiene. In addition, we also need to continue to maintain the level of immunity of our body. This is because vaccination methods that are widely used to prevent certain diseases also depend on our body’s adaptive immune response.
The immune process will train our body to make specific antibodies to protect us from dangerous diseases so the immune system in our body will always undergo changes throughout life. So, that is why we should always ensure that the immunization in our body is at an optimal rate. Intake of certain vitamins and minerals such as Vitamins C, D and Zinc is good for the immune system as it targets various different components of the immune system.

Vitamin C stimulates white blood cells and produces collagen which is needed to stabilize epithelial cells which are the body’s main antigen blockers on the skin surface. Vitamin D helps the immune system by modulating the natural and adaptive immune response and can also enhance the antimicrobial effect on macrophages and monocytes, which are a type of white blood cell. Meanwhile, Vitamin D can be obtained from the foods we eat or can be produced when the surface of our skin is exposed to the sun’s UV light. If you want to know, zinc mineral deficiency will usually cause damage to the epithelial cells which are the first line of our immune defense system and can cause damage to the lining of the gastrointestinal tract and lungs. Zinc minerals can support our body’s natural resilience and affect our body’s natural barrier.
Here is another alternative for you to strengthen the body's immune system using Tongkat Ali. Yes, Tongkat Ali is not just for energy and stamina but has been proven to be effective in strengthening the body's immune system and overall health Tongkat Ali supplements have been shown to increase T-cells, any of which work to kill substances that are harmful to the body and the body for us to get sick or infected by a virus. You can practice taking Tongkat Ali supplements consistently and see the results!

So it is very important for us to maintain the immune rate in the body so that our immune system is always at an optimal level for a healthy and disease-free life. Moreover, when in the golden age and the world is hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, we really need to boost the body's immunity. Let's stay healthy in the golden age!